Digital Technologies in Motivating Learning
1. Team consolidation -. Activities carried out until this time were discussed and they were evaluated. Possible malfunctions, caused by an expected event, were discussed upon.
2. Participants received a presentation by the host school on the school, education system, city and country, attended ice-breaking activities, and were given a tour of the school and the city.
The coordinator gave the group some information:
The certificates were uploaded on Google drive (They have to have a signature and a stamp). Every country has to keep the certificates for 2 years.
the project officially ends on 31th August 2023. Two months later all the reports have to be submitted.
Please make sure that all the videos, photos and documents are uploaded on the different platforms.
While-activity Estonia:
1. What did you enjoy the most about your experience in….(country)?
2. What aspect of…(country) culture surprised you the most?
3. Say…
- I love Erasmus and I would like to continue with these projects
- We had a lot of fun with the Erasmus group
- I learned a lot about….(Estonian/Belgian…) culture and I think it is …(adjective)
Germany answers in → Belgian
Portugal → German
Turkey → Estonian
Italy → Portuguese
Estonia → Italian
Belgium → Turkish
Here is the video of the interview which participant teachers created in Estonia. Enjoy it!
5. Feedback and evaluation: - teachers completed feedback forms about the workshop contents and the exchange; - participant teachers answered questionnaires about the host country; - attendance certificates were given and Europas mobility documents were completed and signed.