Muratli Anadolu Lisesi https://www.muratlianadolulisesi.meb.k12.tr
Muratlı Anadolu Lisesi, a public institution established in 1996, is located in the municipality of Muratlı which is a part of the region historically known as Eastern Thrace.Our school is unique in this area by means of its education programs, technological opportunities and achievements (placement to higher education institutions, EU programs, cultural and sports activities and competitions). It has general secondary education including following courses in its curriculum;
Literature, History, Geography, Maths, Science, Foreign languages, Physical Education, Music and Art. The population consists of 501 students (no students with special needs)distributed in 18 groups and 38 teachers, 32 of whom are staff and non-teaching staff consists of 6 persons. There are modern classes, laboratories, workshops, a library, a conference hall each of which has smart boards, technological devices, internet connection, etc.
There is also a dormitory which belongs to our institution. (capacity of 200 students in total) In favor of it, students from other cities have the opportunity to benefit from our school's upgraded educational opportunities and excellent staff.
The main aim of our school is to develop intellectual, open-minded, psychologically powerful individuals and responsible citizens with high academic success who can think creatively and gain skills, competences, and life long learning.
We are motivated to participate in this project because there are lots of benefits of participation. First of all, this project will help our students to improve their skills in using language, gain competence using web tools and increase their awareness of cultural diversity. The teachers will be able to broaden their curricula, improve their teaching with the new digital techniques, and make their courses more efficient and attractive. Our school has a very hardworking and innovative group of teachers, who have earlier experience in Erasmus+, eager to contribute to the success of this
project. They are qualified in many fields especially ICT as they use continuously technology in their courses. In addition to our experience and expertise, our school implemented the Erasmus+ KA201 project called "Preparing for life in the 21st Century" successfully between the years 2014-2016 with six European countries. We developed expertise in managing and coordinating especially using technology. Also in 2016, we completed an eTwinning project called "Let The Games Begin" with Turkish, Greek and Italian partners. These European projects and these partnerships have added a lot to us so we want to carry it forward.
Our English language teacher, S. İLMEN GÜRER, who is also the coordinator of the whole project, will be in charge in the implementation of the project with the help of mainly our English language teacher Saim Sercan BENLİ and our Literature teacher, Eylem KARAGÖZ YAŞAR.